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- // set viewer's position in the scene
- camera
- {
- // (camera types)
- // perspective (default) | orthographic | fisheye |
- // ultra_wide_angle | omnimax | panoramic | cylinder 1
- location <0.0, 1.0, -6.0> // position of camera <X Y Z>
- direction 2.0*z // which way are we looking <X Y Z> & zoom
- // sky y // rarely used
- up y // which way is +up <X Y Z>
- right 4/3*x // which way is +right <X Y Z> and aspect ratio
- look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> // point center of view at this point <X Y Z>
- // angle FLOAT // overrides "direction" with specific angle
- // normal { ripples 0.2 } // perturb the camera lens with a pattern
- // (focal blur extras)
- // aperture 0.2 // 0...N (bigger is narrower depth of field)
- // blur_samples 4 // # of rays per pixel
- // focal_point <VECTOR> // x,y,z point that is in focus
- }